White Men & Fred Jealous
What does it mean to be a White man in the US today without supremacy or shame?
Loran and Jenny sit down with Fred Jealous, founder of Breakthrough Men's Community, to talk about the intersection of gender and race as it applies to White men.
Questions include:
What are we missing when we raise boys in the US?
What’s so harmful about men being masculine and women being feminine? How does patriarchy hurt men?
Who’s a better educator: shame or love?
Men have held power and decision-making capabilities in this country since its founding. Why did they need an additional space like Breakthrough, when the world is their proverbial oyster?
What does it mean to be fully human?
How do you feel the societal definition of what a “man” is affects white men and how they approach race and racism?
In the key practices of the BMC there is mention of a “boy” who needs healing and nurturing, how much of that is related to race for White men?
In your work of helping men heal, how central to that work was your own experience of Whiteness and masculinity, and how do you believe that impacted your work with men of Color?
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